Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Your CV is a narrative of your career and should effectively be the contents page to your clinical portfolio. It is vital that you keep it up to date in an easily editable format with enough adaptability to allow rapid editing for whichever position you are applying for.

  1. Keep the font simple – I use Calibri with a size 12 font
  2. Maintain a consistent format e.g. all the given dates on the left hand side
  3. Use Tables……..and then hide the borders.
  4. Have a summary page (might seem excessive but start as you mean to go on)
  5. Know your word processing software – set the headings and let it build you a contents page
  6. Number the pages and have a total number of pages e.g. “Page 1 of 6”
  7. Have brief statements on your CV – these can then be used when you are on job portals applying for jobs
    • Have a personal statement at the beginning but
    • brief statements of involvement in research, audit, teaching under the relevant heading
  8. If you have a lot of material, sub-divide it for example if you have lots of presentations then categorise them into
    • International
    • National
    • Regional and Local
  9. For every Audit have a few lines explaining purpose, results and recommendations
  10. For every research paper give the full citation. If able then putting the DoI code as a clickable link is helpful
  11. Whenever you add anything new to your CV highlight it so that for every ARCP/Appraisal whoever is reading your CV can clearly know what you have done since your last one.
  12. When you send your CV or upload it anywhere convert it to PDF

I’ve made available a template I use for my own CV – Feel free to download and use

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