Training Information
Having been an NHS trainee, it gives me great pleasure to contribute to the ongoing education of current and future trainees.
I am a GMC recognised trainer and hold roles as both Educational Supervisor and/or Clinical Supervisor for all junior doctors passing through out department, including trainees (Foundation, Core and Specialty Trainees) and non-training grades.
Regionally my role as a Training Programme Director for Core Surgical Training and Lead for Virtual Learning in the West Midlands means I have involvement with variety of processes including Annual Reviews (ARCPs)
Here are some insights into getting through training and preparation for your future roles, whatever specialty you go in to.

Curriculum Vitae
Your CV (or resumé) is summary record of your achievements, designing it in a way that makes it easy to manage, update, adjust and evaluate will help you market all of your skills.

Professional Profile
This could be a full time job in itself! In the current era of readily available information, it is vital that you create and maintain a professional profile. Everyone gets searched for on the web so this will help you display yourself in the best way.

Social Media
Social media use is rocketing and often the distinction between personal and professional is blurred. In this post I share some of the crystalised thoughts from personal experience and wider professional guidance

Managing your clinical portfolio is a vital part of your training. Understanding what is expected of you and engaging with it fully is important to ensure you get through your appraisals/annual reviews successfully.

Personal Development Plan
A PDP is an important part of the portfolio and features heavily in appraisal/annual review. It helps focus you and provides a checklist to work to.