Book Chapters
Orthopaedic Biomechanics Made Easy (9781107685468)

Practical & Professional Clinical Skills (9780199585618)

Journal Articles
No Clinical advantage with customised individually made implants over conventional off-the-shelf implants in total knee arthroplasty: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2023) Saeed et al Arch Orthop Trauma Surg PMID: 37979098 DOI: 10.1007/s00402-023-05090-8
Predictors of mortality in periprosthetic fractures of the hip: Results from the national PPF study (2023) Nasser et al Injury 54(4):111152 DOI:10.1016/j.injury.2023.111152
Characteristics and risk factors of UCS fracture subtypes in periprosthetic fractures around the hip (2023) Nasser et al Bone & Joint Open 4(9):659-667 DOI:10.1302/2633-1462.49.BJO-2023-0065.R1
The rise in trauma & orthopaedic trainee-led research and audit collaborative projects in the United Kingdom since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic (2023) Khaleeq, Kabariti & Ahmed Pak J Med Sci 39(3):769-774. (DOI: 10.12669/pjms.39.3.7417.)
The relationship between exposure to noise and hearing loss in orthopaedics (2023) Mistry et al. BJJ 105-B(6):602-609 (DOI:10.1302/0301-620X.105B6.BJJ-2022-0921.R1.)
The Fragility Fracture Postoperative Mobilisation multicentre audit: the reality of weightbearing practices following operations for lower limb fragility fractures (2022) Richardson et al BJJ 104-B(8):972-979 DOI:10.1302/0301-620X.104B8.BJJ-2022-0074.R1
Demographics of Cauda Equina Syndrome: A Population Based Incidence Study (2022) Woodfield et al. Neuroepidemiology (DOI:10.1159/000527727)
Presentation, management and outcomes of cauda equina syndrome up to one year after surgery, using clinician and participant reporting: a multi-centre prospective cohort study (2023) Woodfield et al. Lancet Regional Health Europe 24:100545
Open Fracture Patient Evaluation Nationwide (OPEN) Study – The Management of Open Fracture Care in the UK (2022) Winstanley et al. BJJ 104-B(9):1073-1080
Open Fracture Patient Evaluation Nationwide (OPEN) Study – Epidemiology of Open Fracture Care in the UK (2022) Hadfield et al. Bone Jt Open 3(10):746-752
The first virtual ASPIRE 7 and 8 Programmes: preparing senior vascular trainees for FRCS and consultancy using a PostGraduate Virtual Learning Environment (2022) Crichton, Fairhead, Garnham, Graham, Jones, Ahmed – J.Vasc.Soc.G.B.Irel 1(2):48-53
Does the modified Glasgow Prognostic Schore aid in the management of patients undergoing surgery for a soft tissue sarcoma? An international multi-centre study (2021) The MPGS Study Group. BJJ 104-B(1):168-176
Is the operative treatment of displaced diaphyseal forearm fractures in children superior to non-operative treatment? A systematic review of functional outcomes and complications (2021) Bleibleh, S., Ahmed, U., Malik-Tabassum, K., Akhtar, K. Hong Kong Journal of Orthopaedic Research 4(3):55-68
Establishment of virtual fracture clinic in PRH, Telford; Progress and recommendations in during the first 9 months (2021) Khaleeq, Lancaster, Fakoya, Black, Littlehales, Ferreira, Ahmed. JAMC 34(2):341-344
Soft Tissue Extensor Mechanism Ruptures of the Knee (2021) Rhind, Lancaster, Ahmed, Carmont. Br J Hosp Med (Lond) 2:82(9):1-9
Clinical Orthopaedic Teaching programme for Students (COTS) (2020) Kumar, Stubley, Hashmi, Ahmed – Postgrad Med J 0:1-7
How much does a Medical and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) medical device alert for metal-on-metal hip arthroplasty patients really cost? (2020) Nandra, Ahmed, Berryman, Dunlop, Matharu. Hip Int 32(4):493-500
#OrthoTwitter: Social Media as an Educational Tool (2020) Sahu, M.A., Zahra, Fleming, S., Ahmed, U. BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning – in press
Current surgical management of metastatic pathological fractures of the femur: A multicenter snapshot audit (2020) Rai, P., Aziz, S., Kannan, S., Ahmed, U., Ashford, R. et al. European Journal of Surgical Oncology (in press)
Outcome of Ewing’s Sarcoma of the scapula – a long-term follow-up study (2019) Malik, S,. Tahir, M., Ahmed, U., Evans, S., Jeys, L., Abudu, S., Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research S1877-0568(19)30331-7
Weight-bearing in ankle fractures: An audit of UK practice(2019) BONE Collaborative. The Foot 39:28-36
Survey of UK consultant hip surgeons’ opinions on surgeon specific mortality data publication in orthopaedic surgery (2018)Ahmed, U.,Malik, S., Jarral, O., Shaik, Y., Shah, Z., Hart, W., Dunlop, D. Journal of Orthoplastic Surgery 2:55-64
Surveillance and management strategies to reduce surgical site infection (SSI) in hip and knee joint arthroplasty at a tertiary arthroplasty unit(2018) Ahmed, U.,Hussain, S., Malik, S., Wong, F., Mimmack, S., Reeves, N., Pearson, A., Dunlop, D. Journal of Orthoplastic Surgery 2:49-54
Risk factors for onset of delirium after neck of femur fracture surgery: a prospective observational study(2018) Tahir, M., Malik, S.S., Ahmed, U.,Kozdryk, J., Naqvi, S., Malik, A. SICOT-J 4(27)
Glycation marker glucosepane increases with the progression of osteoarthritis and correlates with morphological and functional changes of cartilage in vivo (2018) Legrand, C., Ahmed, U.,Anwar, A., Rajpoot, K., Pasha, S., Davidson, R.K., Clark, I.M., Thornalley, P.J., Henrotin, Y., Rabbani, N., Arthritis Research & Therapy 20(1):131
Role of a tendon transfer as a dynamic checkrein reducing recurrence of equinus following distal tibial dorsiflexion osteotomy. (2017) Malik, SS., Knight, R., Ahmed, U., Prem, H., Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics B
Are we all guilty of under-estimating intra-operative blood loss during hip fracture surgery?(2017) Budair, B., Ahmed, U., Hodson, J., David, M., Ashraf, M., McBride, T. Journal of Orthopaedics 14(1)81-84
Protein oxidation, nitration and glycation biomarkers for early-stage diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee and typing and progression of arthritic disease.(2016) Ahmed, U., Anwar, A., Savage, R., Thornalley, P., Rabbani, N., Arthritis Research & Therapy 18:250
Technical tips: Alternative use of the Bradford sling as a dorsiwedge.(2016) Malik, SS., Ahmed, U., Malik, SS. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 98(1)67
The Headless Compression Screw – Technical Challenges in Scaphoid Fracture Fixation: The Birmingham Hand Centre Experience.(2015)Ahmed, U., Malik, S.S., David, M., Simpson, C., Tan, S., Power, D. Journal of Orthopaedics 12 S211-S216
Factors influencing the development and effectiveness of biomarkers in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.(2015) Ahmed, U., Thornalley, PJ., Rabbani, N., International Journal of Clinical Rheumatology10(5)313-316
New development in a blood-based diagnostic test for early-stage arthritis.(2015) Ahmed, U., Thornalley, PJ. and Rabbani, N., Biomarkers in Medicine9(10) 943-945
Biomarkers of early stage osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and musculoskeletal health.(2015) Ahmed, U., Anwar, A., Savage, RS., Costa, ML., Mackay N., Filer, A., Raza, K., Watts, RA., Winyard, PG., Tarr, J., Haigh, RC., Thornalley, PJ., and Rabbani, N., Nature Scientific Reports5:9259
Possible role of methylglyoxal and glyoxalase in arthritis. (2014)Ahmed, U., Thornalley, P.J., Rabbani, N. BiochemSocTrans42:2 Apr 538-542
The early functional outcome of Mau osteotomy for the correction of moderate-severe hallux valgus.(2013) Thangarajah, T., Ahmed, U., Malik, S.S., Tillu, A. Orthopaedic ReviewsVol 5(4)159-161
Reversal of hyperglycaemia-induced angiogenesis deficit of human endothelial cells by over expression of glyoxalase 1 in vitro.(2008) Ahmed, U., Dobler, D., Carpenter, S.J., Rabbani, N. and Thornalley, P.J. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1126:262-4
Protein glycation, oxidation and nitration adduct residues and free adducts of cerebrospinal fluid in Alzheimer’s disease and link to cognitive impairment.(2005) Ahmed, N., Ahmed, U., Thornalley, P.J., Hager, K., Fleischer, G. & Münch, G. Journal of Neurochemistry 92(2)255-263.
Advancements in surgical simulation training in orthopaedics
Virtual Learning: in for the long haul (2022) Crichton & Ahmed, ASIT Yearbook
COVID and Virtual Learning (2021) Ahmed, ASIT Yearbook
Virtual Learning – Nothing New (2021) Ahmed, U., NACT UK 26(1)
Virtual Learning – Moving Forward (2020) Journal of Trauma & Orthopaedics 8(4)38-39
Birmingham Orthopaedic Network – Collaboration, Facilitation, Empowerment’ (2020) Journal of Trauma & Orthopaedics 8(1) 36-37
Editorial: Old Problems, Old Solutions(2018) Ahmed, U & Salih, S. Journal of Orthoplastic Surgery 2:38-39
Dealing with the costs of being a junior doctor. (2012). Ahmed, U., Malik, S.S., Akram, Y., BMJ Careers – 15thSeptember 2012 – p4-5
Rapid Response to ‘Transforming Translation’(2012)Ahmed, U., Deshmukh, S.
Increasing concentrations of proteolytic debris of glycated and oxidized proteins in patients with increasing severity of osteoarthritis(2011)Ahmed, al J Bone Joint Surg Br 93-B: 70-a
Changes in advanced glycation endproducts in synovial fluid in early resolving arthritis and early and established rheumatoid arthritis.(2010) Ahmed, U., et al Rheumatology 49(suppl 1) i161
Arthritis: Inflammation, AGEs and RAGE.(2009)Ahmed, U.IMARS Highlights 4(3), 14-16
Reversal of hyperglycaemia-induced angiogenesis deficit of human endothelial cell by overexpression of glyoxalase I(2007)Ahmed, al 9thInternational Maillard Symposium on the Maillard Reaction, 1-5 September.
Profound increase in proteolytic products of glycated and oxidised proteins in synovial fluid and plasma in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, corrected by TNF-α antibody therapy in rheumatoid arthritis.(2006) Ahmed, al Rheumatology 45:1 – i53 [BSR May 2006, BHPR May 2006]
Protein glycation marker residues and free adducts of cerebrospinal fluid in Alzheimer’s disease and link to cognitive impairment.(2005) Ahmed, U.,et al Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1043: 914.